Systematic Product Management

Best Practice | Method Based | Flexible | Scalable


Arcturus7|PMM is an innovative 'knowledge base' website for Product Management professionals - Business Directors, Entrepreneurs, Product Managers, Market Development Managers and Functional areas have complimentary access to a superlative collection of 'best practice' methods, tools and processes.


The Product Management Methodology (PMM™) framework is a robust, holistic approach to Product Management. The structure itself is entirely flexible and ensures a perfect fit/alignment to virtually any size company, from individual entrepreneurs to the large corporate entity. In practice, it's good to know that even if you are managing a single product or a large dynamic portfolio with hundreds or even thousands of products, it's the same generic framework methodology, the rationale remains robust and valid - essentially making the framework future proof. Furthermore, for the ultimate level of process flexibility, you have direct access to individual 'PMM - Elements' where you can dip in and out of the individual tools and as and when required.





…resources to engage strategic thinking, drive continuous improvement and deliver competitive advantage.

A compendium of innovative tools and method based processes offering a robust and holistic approach to professional Product Management.


A7 PMM is an unrivaled  body of knowledge. You now have direct access to one of the most comprehensive collectives of well proven practical PM methods. can quickly navigate through every aspect of the Product Management discipline with absolute confidence.


Designed with our core values in mind - Simplicity, Purpose and Clarity.

Interactive Business Models

The ‘Interactive Business Model Series’ is a collection of superlative business models that cover the core elements of best practice strategic management.


     Pro-Workshop Material

  • Unique wallcharts
  • Desk Pads
  • Workshop Stationary
  • Electrical Devices
  • Activity Kits

     Professional Support

  • Professional ‘On-demand’ Consultant support
  • 1 – 1 or live workshop Consultant / Facilitation support.
  • Flexible time allocation – flexible booking in 1Hr. time slots
  • Independent alignment/calibration when – Strategic planning, Programme Management, Market Research, Competitive Benchmarking.

Product Management Training

Unrivaled Product Management training courses based upon well-grounded first principles. Designed and delivered by professionals for professionals. All courses include generic key concepts /disciplines of this interactively complex subject and complemented by interactive business model software (included as part of the course). This unique and powerful combination of theory, including new/unique techniques, and practical application ultimately translates into the fact that you can start putting learned techniques into practice immediately after the course.





  • 20% Discount on all interactive business models / software
  • 8% Discount on Product Management Training & Workshop Activity Kits
  • 10% Discount on Consultancy Services, Wall-Charts / Planners
  • 5% Discount on Workshop Stationery and Pro-Audio Products
  • Membership only Offers
  • Access to Members only content and special products / services

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